Sunday, November 6, 2011

How many hours are in a day?

Call it the time change, call it no patience, call it what you may. Today was the LOONNGGEST day in history. It just so happens that my boys wanted to push the limit of my sanity on this long day and they did it every second of the day. I’m not saying they were bad. Quite the opposite actually, they were just full of energy or what is it they say “piss and vinegar?” There was a lot of wining today. Eeeh, I’m hungry, I want juice, ehhhh moooomm, I want a snack, I’m not cleaning my room, uh oh, I spilled my juice……all over Ryder. They had their occasional sweet moment, which normally happens before they want something. I often hear how beautiful I am or that I am the best mom. Remember, that usually only happens when they want something. J I’ll take it though.

Enveloped somewhere within this crazy day, I realized how much I lie to my children. Yes, I said lie. Hey, don’t judge me. Today it started out with little white lies. I told Ryder, “If you don’t get your dirty fingers out of your mouth, you’re going to get diarrhea.” Perhaps its true? Of course…after those occasional little white lies, they just exploded into full out LIES. I said things like, “If you don’t clean your room, I’m going to give all your stuff away to poor kids. If you kick me one more time, I’m going to cut your legs off. If you don’t stop running, Mrs. Porter (the cop who lives below us) is going take you away.” Reflecting on these lies, I feel pretty low. These are not just lies, they are threats and of course, I was not going to do any of them. It is however funny how well they worked.

It is now what seems like midnight, but its only 6pm. They boys wanted to go to bed (because they normally go to bed at 7) so I just got done with the bedtime story, which happened to be Pinkalishious. Stefan loves that book. He thanked me for reading the book, gave me a big kiss and hug, and whispered, “I had a great day mommy, thanks for letting us paint and ride our bikes.” It was amazing to hear appreciation in the voice of someone so young. Ryder just said, “I love you mommy head.” He thinks that everything is funny if you add the word “head” to the end of it. As I sit here and reflect on the day, it was really not that bad. It was actually quite nice.

One thing to keep in mind about children that I have learned is: You have to say “yes” enough times to a kid that they respect when you say “no.” If you are always saying “no” and don’t let them experiment or try new things or play Angry Birds on your phone, then they get discouraged or they’ll find ways to work around you. If you say “yes” to the right amount of things at the right time, when you tell them “no,” they seem to listen. At least sometimes. Hahaha. I think it kind of falls in the category of respecting your children and letting them be individuals. Remembering to treat my children with the same respect that I would want to be shown has avoided many of fights, tantrums, and threats to run away and go live with Grandpa. It sure helped today!

*On a side note, I got the Toys-R-Us big book in the newspaper today and I gave the boys a pen and told them to circle the things they want to ask Santa for. I reminded them that they sure were NOT going to get everything, Santa just wants ideas. It was cute to see them get excited and sit on the floor, circling almost everything. I got some on video that I will try to upload later tonight.

The morning of the time change

It would seem that something, which means poverty, disorder and violence every single day, should be avoided entirely, but the desire to beget children is a natural urge.  ~Phyllis Diller

The boys woke up at 6am today. Ryder woke up first. How did I know he was awake? Well, at some point in the night, he came into my bed. I was dead asleep, dreaming sweet dreams without care when all of a sudden; a little shank like finger went right up my nose. Yes, for a brief second, I thought I was going to die. My eye’s shot open and I screamed a little and sat bolt up in bed. By scaring me, he must have scared himself because he screamed too and started crying. I said, “Why did you do that to mommy? Don’t do that again.” He replied, “I want a snack, I’m hungry.” Hmm…So, you’re hungry and you decide to put your finger up my nose? I always knew he was my gross one! J Anyway, I got him some crackers (which are his favorite food, good ol’ saltines), put on Tangled and told him to relax for a little while because mommy was tired. I laid down and closed my eyes. It must have been about a half hour later, although it seemed like 2 minutes, I felt like someone was looking at me so I opened my eyes and Stefan was an inch from my face whispering, “Moooommm, I need to go potty.” Sheesh, do kids know how creepy they can be? I thought of the movie Paranormal Activity and wondered how long he had been standing there before my eyes shot open.

We have now eaten breakfast and they are eating Sunchips and watching Bee Movie, which I think I have seen about a hundred times but it is actually a movie I love so, I am okay with it. As long as it’s not Lightning McQueen, the world is good.

As I settle down here on the couch, I’m thinking about all there is to do today. I still have another midterm due for school that I have been putting off. Its multiple choice so, I’m not sure why I am so worried about it, its not as if I have to be creative or anything. I need to give the boys a bath and get them all snazzy for church today. I’m so tired that part of me wants to just skip it today but, I know I will regret it if I do so, I guess I’ll be an adult do what I need to do. I promised the boys we would ride bikes today since it is actually supposed to be niceish outside. I have to clean laundry, fold laundry, and put laundry away. Yes, that’s three different things. There is no “simply”, doing the laundry.  It becomes a big chore. Plus, the Christmas gifts hiding in my closet (although there are very few of them at the moment) takes up way to much room.

A few of my friends are stating one thing they are thankful for everyday from November 1 through Thanksgiving. I wanted to jump on the bandwagon but everything I put sounded really lame. I’m thankful for my children, I’m thankful for a job, I’m thankful for my extended family (you know who you are), I’m thankful for all that I have…I could go on and on but, it all seems so generic. It’s like when someone asks you, “Why do you love me?” and you answer by giving them a list of all their qualities. Although you mean what you are saying, it doesn’t sound like it is coming from the heart. So, I decided to say really quickly what I love, which is similar to saying what I am thankful for because I am thankful for the things I love…

…I love the holiday season and making traditions with the boys. I love walking outside and seeing the tree’s ablaze with color and the smell of rotten leaves. Yes, rotten leaves, if you take the time out, it smells amazing.  I love it that the weather is cool enough to wear a sweater and not be too cold or hot. I love it that the Christmas excitement bubbles up inside me. I love the Peanuts holiday shows and the appropriateness of watching The Grinch, The Santa Clause, and Home Alone. I love the smell of baking cookies, because face it, they smell the best in Nov/Dec. I love it that the phrase, “We’ll have to tell Santa Clause.” Stops a total fit in the store because of a toy they want. I love the Elf on the Shelf and all the Christmas decorations and twinkling lights. I love the smell of the Christmas tree and the feeling I get when we all sit down on the couch in the dark, with the only light coming from the lit up tree, with cocoa in our hand and blankets all around us and “A Year without a Santa Clause” on TV. I am thankful to have these things and to be able to do and experience these things.

“The Supreme Court has ruled that they cannot have a nativity scene in Washington, D.C.  This wasn't for any religious reasons.  They couldn't find three wise men and a virgin. “          

Jay Leno