Monday, November 7, 2011

Weight is great....right?

Let us start today with a quote from the late great Andy Rooney.

“The biggest seller is cookbooks and the second is diet books – how not to eat what you’ve just learned how to cook.”

I thought this was appropriate considering how I feel this morning. I was thinking about what my Thanksgiving menu is going to be and what I am going to do. I want to keep the day very traditional. I was thinking about inviting the neighborhood over for a great feast, then kill them and steal their land…Okay, maybe not THAT traditional. My mouth watered when I thought of the food. A nice juicy turkey and lots and lots and LOTS of sides. Yes, I feel that it is perfectly acceptable to eat until you have to lean back and unbutton your pants. What’s a few pounds at during the holidays? Its expected and inevitable.

I do want to keep the weight gain to a minimal though, if I gain any at all. I’m not back to my pre pregnancy weight yet so, gaining isn’t exactly on my to do list. I was thinking about my weight today and had a few thoughts. For instance, have you ever grabbed your own butt just to try and feel what your husband would if he grabbed it? Yeah, me neither. Sheesh, do I look like a weirdo or something? Well, maybe I do, you can’t see me.

I learned what “fat” was at a really young age. Not that I had a complex about it or anything. I was just aware of it. I have to say, it was all downhill after I realized “elemonopee” was not just one awesome letter. It was the age that I started to compare my looks to everyone else’s. I didn’t care about what other people thought about me, but more about how I felt about myself. Now that I am older, a mom, and with someone who loves me, I am finally happy in my own skin. I’m told by the three most important men in my life that I am beautiful and pretty all the time. I do believe them; however, you’ll never catch me in a mini skirt or fishnet stockings. Why you ask? Well, have you ever pushed cookie dough through a sifter before? Maybe I’m exaggerating a little…or a lot. But still. I’m happy being ol’ modest me.

I plan to eat like a cow from now until New Year’s. My resolution is going to be to lose weight, or at least get back to the weight I was before having babies. It should be a piece of cake…a piece of delicious chocolate cake…I want cake. J

I didn’t intend to make a big deal out of this weight and body image thing. I was just thinking about it. I guess it’s all about perspective and how you look at it. I mean, the sinking of the Titanic was a miracle to the lobsters in the kitchen. I’m staying positive on the whole issue. Like I said though. Everything is free game now. I want cake, pie, and cookies. This reminds me…at the grocery store today I bought cookie dough so that dad can bake cookies with the boys. The label of the chocolate chip cookie dough warned: “Do not consume raw cookie dough” and I realized that that has to be the most ignored warning label ever. I, on the other hand, chose some sugar cookie dough that was precut and had images on it. It was pretty cool, I’m sure the boys will love it. Since Ryder puts EVERYTHING in his mouth, I may have to hire security guards to make sure he follows that raw dough warning.

I can’t wait to have a fresh warm cookie! YUM! A cookie and a nice hot cut of coffee sounds like a gift from God…A Starbucks man would be a nice gift too. I think that the ice cream man should automatically change his “goods” in the cooler months and start slinging coffee. Can you see it? Your baking cookies and suddenly, you hear coffee house music, “OH MY GOSH! It’s the Starbucks man! Do we have cash? HURRY HURRRRY!”

Anyway, this post is getting a little out of hand. Is every post supposed to stay on topic? Because I totally got off track…again. I have schoolwork to do still and I have to find something to eat as, my stomach is growling like crazy talking about all this delicious food and drink. I’m trying to think of what sounds good because I have NONE of the things that I mentioned. I guess I’ll have a bowl of the generic frosted flakes that I have in the cabinet. They’rrrrrrrr, alright I guess.

Till next time………

1 comment:

  1. OK-now I am seriously hungry! The ice cream truck becoming a coffee truck idea is awesome---as long as I can get hot chocolate.
    The main reason I bake cookies is to eat the dough--not giving that up! :)
